Alas, I did not make it into the final round of the agent pitch. Those of you that did, you deserve a huge measure of congratulations for a job well done! I read most of the queries and first 150 words and I must say that I saw some stellar writing. Best of luck to each and every one of you!
Now, as for me...
I pared my query down. Waaaaay down. I even titled it "experiment." Then I sent to four agents, and
...drumroll please...
I promptly received requests for two fulls and two partials! I am ecstatic! Of course now I feel horrible that I wasted the effort sending my disastrous query to about ten wasteful! But this entire journey is a learning curve to be sure, and I guess I'm a learning!
Now I will focus on sending my experimental query to more agents and hope.
And wait.
And hope.
And wait some more. I feel as though good things are right around the corner. I hope they are for you as well.
Happy writing!
Congrats on the new version of the query! Good luck with the submissions too.